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Tobacco Bonche LAVANDER
The smell of freshness and French elegance. It is known that Queen Cleopatra was one of the first to appreciate the miraculous properties of lavender, and regularly used cosmetics based on this flower. It is believed that it was on the basis of lavender oil that the first perfume was created - lavender water.
Lavender dried flowers are used in cooking - even a couple of twigs can give the dessert an exquisite flavor. Perfumers all over the world use compositions with a lavender base for perfumes. Lavender has won the hearts of men's fragrances - a rich, bright smell perfectly shades and saturates the woody notes in the composition.
Soft and laconic lavender is perfectly combined with sweet delicate bouquets, as well as with bright citrus, floral. Fougere combinations are not complete without lavender notes, where it gives sophistication with a thick rich aroma.