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Tobacco Bonche OLIVE
Olive is considered the oldest cultivated plant, it was used around the IV century. BC. its homeland is considered Africa - the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Olive was revered in Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, it was given a divine meaning, its history is covered with myths and legends. According to one of them, thanks to the olive, the goddess of knowledge, Athena, won the dispute for primacy with Poseidon, offering olive oil as a gift to people, and not salty sea water. It is also believed that the mace of Hercules was made of olive wood, and the winners of the first Olympic Games were awarded olive wreaths. When the whole earth was covered with water, a dove brought an olive branch to Noah. The olive tree is considered a symbol of hope, fertility, and life itself.
Olive is valued for its unique properties of oil, excellent both in taste and useful characteristics. Olive in its raw form is not consumed, it is bitter, at first it is kept in a salty solution - canned. It is loved for its pleasant enveloping oiliness, with a slight bitterness and even sharpness, the aroma of sun-warmed plantations with a century-old history.