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Табак Bonche Pomegranate (Гранат) 30г

Tobacco BONCHE Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a truly unique fruit, characterized by both a unique composition and a rich multi-faceted taste. Tart, herbaceous, fruity, playing with different shades and creating pleasant aromatic combinations, the fruit has a well-deserved honor and fame.


    Tobacco Bonche POMEGRANATE

    According to ancient Greek mythology, we owe the change of seasons to the pomegranate, six grains of which were eaten by Proserpine, abducted by Hades to the kingdom of the dead for six months of each year, when darkness and cold descended on the earth. In Azerbaijan, the pomegranate is called the "King of Fruits", and in Israel they believe that there are exactly 613 grains in each pomegranate - according to the number of commandments in the Torah. Someone thinks that the pomegranate was the apple of Eden. And his appearance was borrowed by a military grenade and the crown of King Solomon himself. Pomegranate can be found in recipes of Far Eastern and Mediterranean cuisines, it gives dishes an intense sweet and sour taste.

    Pomegranate is a truly unique fruit, characterized by both a unique composition and a rich multi-faceted taste. Tart, herbaceous, fruity, playing with different shades and creating pleasant aromatic combinations, the fruit has a well-deserved honor and fame.

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