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Табак Bonche Whiskey (Виски) 80г

Tobacco Bonche Whiskey

Irish whiskey is a lively drink, refined, not weighted. It is not for those who admire the appearance and compete in the beauty of serving – it is for connoisseurs of pure quality. The aroma of Irish whiskey is multifaceted, thanks to the technology of traditional manufacturing, it is filled with woody notes, with echoes of fruits, sometimes coniferous shades of juniper, salt and hay.


    The history of the origin of the original Irish whiskey goes back to the distant V century A.D. The production of this noble drink became possible thanks to the discovery of the art of distillation by monks. The Irish believe that St. Patrick himself gave them a recipe for healing scotch during their travels in Europe. The monks successfully hid it until the middle of the XVI century, until the King of Ireland transferred its production to commercial status. Indigenous people believe that the traditional drink of their Celtic ancestors owes its unique taste to the purest natural water used for the production of whiskey, as well as when watering cereals for blending.

    Unlike Scotch whiskey, there are no peat nuances of flavor in Irish scotch. The word "wiskey" itself is the Anglicized Irish "uisce beatha", which literally means "living water". Hence the differences in the culture of consumption. Irish whiskey is a lively drink, refined, not weighted. It is not for those who admire the appearance and compete in the beauty of serving – it is for connoisseurs of pure quality. The aroma of Irish whiskey is multifaceted, thanks to the technology of traditional manufacturing, it is filled with woody notes, with echoes of fruits, sometimes coniferous shades of juniper, salt and hay.

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